File[atheistdelusion.swf] - (2.38 MB)
[_] [?] Athiests are wrong. God is Real 10/18/10(Mon)18:37 No.1398422
its true. Christians are right. Athiests are wrong.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)18:42 No.1398426
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)18:44 No.1398428
Older than the internets. I remember we used to pass this around as an office in-joke in usenet
and DARPAnet before that.
Get your head out of your ass you tool, it's satire.
>> [_] Your RE professor 10/18/10(Mon)18:57 No.1398436
Learning how to read the bible correctly and not take every word and number for a fact is
cause it wasnt written by neither god nor us modern society, but hundrets of years ago by people
with a different mentality
so being christian doesnt mean you cant trust science and the history of earth
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)18:59 No.1398437
What ever happened to science and religion coexisting?
Two different ways to explain the same things.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:00 No.1398439
Except, one of those things is completely provable while the other came from a book.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:02 No.1398441
No one is right, everyone is wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:03 No.1398442
just worship satan, makes life hella fun
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:04 No.1398443
>Two different ways to explain the same things.
Like heliocentrism and geocentrism? Science and religion have never coexisted peacefully -
religion has always tried to suppress scientific thought and experiment and scientific claims
can't be logically questioned on religious grounds. People just say that to make themselves feel
better about falling to peer pressure and bowing down to lies.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:04 No.1398444
>implying you didn't read physics from a book
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:05 No.1398446
Satirical? Hard to tell. Certainly doesn't want me to be christian.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:07 No.1398447
Religion - Theologians: God created everything
Science - Physicist: Energy created everything
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:10 No.1398450
Where do you obtain your knowledge of science and physics from then?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:11 No.1398452
no, thats both science
satirical as it doesnt promote religion, as it does literally
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:12 No.1398453
not even samefag, do you guys even know what "provable" means? hint, it isn't synonymous with "I
discovered it". another, the bible isn't provable.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:13 No.1398455
idk ever watched that show where they prove stuff from the bible could really have taken place?
i think it comes on natgeo
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:15 No.1398457
I worked on the Large Hadron Collider and observed the nature of atoms.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:16 No.1398458
The Bible is sort of disprovable though because it makes lots of retarded claims like "You'll get
whatever you pray for" and "If any one of you had an ounce of faith you could move mountains" and
"God will kill the enemies of Israel", which are blatantly false. Not, for example, claims like
"you'll get peace of mind if you pray" or "faith can help you control your life" or "jews are
rather successful people" which they are often mistaken for.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:24 No.1398465
Sure you did Mr. Freeman. :P
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:28 No.1398469
>open flash, expecting my rage to build
>anti-religion, pro-atheism
>feels logic man
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:28 No.1398470
Sat through the whole thing, clearly this guy is trolling and making fun of Christianity.
Made it way too obvious that it was all trolling.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:42 No.1398487
it's called a joke, not trolling
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:56 No.1398499
Holy shit it all makes sense now I believe
actually those claims hold some truths because a person who prays and has faith in something are
more likely to continue believing that something good would happen in their rather shitty life
and can help people to not an hero themselves. Also it has been proven that in hospitals that
patients that have faith in something and believes they will overcome have higher survival rates.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)19:59 No.1398504
Though you could say they same for people who have full belief in themselves and won't quit at
life. Religion and beliefs help the average people who well just need to believe someone is
behind them helping them or backing them up. In other words relying on something else rather then
believing in themselves which I feel is a weakness, but is a strength to others.
>> [_] God is Real 10/18/10(Mon)20:07 No.1398512
you're all wrong. especially about magnets.
also, you should use correct grammar. it is very hard to understand your argument when you don't
have a direction to your statements.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:15 No.1398518
actually, there was recently a very large study done that demonstrated that people that knew they
had people praying for them had slightly lower recovery rates than people who had no knowledge or
knew that nobody was praying for them.
>> [_] strawman strawman 10/18/10(Mon)20:17 No.1398519
Nothing but strawmen. Not worthy of refutation.
>> [_] God is Real 10/18/10(Mon)20:18 No.1398521
Sauce or I call bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:19 No.1398523
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:19 No.1398524
Different person here. Here's one sauce:
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:19 No.1398525
Sauce or I call bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:20 No.1398526
>> [_] God Is Unreal 10/18/10(Mon)20:21 No.1398527
Well, I'll be damned.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:32 No.1398539
I'm not talking about receiving prayers from other people. I'm talking about the person their
selves praying and "truly" believing that they "will" be saved by their god or whatever. But to
be honest I believe that belief and religon is just a substitute for human will. If someone has a
strong will to survive their chances are higher. Like saying my life may probably get better
already shows that I don't have much faith and I have already partially given up. Saying my life
will get better, is essentially saying that no matter what happens things will work out
Human will trumps alot of shit and religion/beliefs are used to back up those who don't have
strong will in themselves.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:38 No.1398540
No, you're making it sound too good. Beliefs like that, in an entity with absolute power over
you, are not used to support anything. They're used to hammer down the human will and to make it
rely on imagined supernatural aids. This also means that the person concerned must accept the
religious paradigm and morality or lose their mental support, leading to control. That's why your
parents may have wanted to bring you up religious - to make you similar to themselves. Religion
must die. The end.
>> [_] Slowpoke 10/18/10(Mon)20:38 No.1398541
In before the trolls "raging"...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:45 No.1398544
dam I hate you GTFO religion causes nothing but problems no religion is the right religion and
who created god that motherfucker didn't just create himself checkmate bitch
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:47 No.1398545
Don't know if samefag...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)20:51 No.1398554
No but even without religion we still have those who don't have much hopes on themselves and must
accredit something for what they have in life. Religion gives people something to believe in
because they have lost faith or maybe never had any in themselves. Though I will also say that
religion has destroyed alot.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:19 No.1398575
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:24 No.1398579
obvious troll is obvious
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:29 No.1398585
Aw I was about to post how I stopped as soon as he got his proof from the bible. but seeing
comments he was trolling, so I reopened and he was talking about things I knew.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:31 No.1398589
this is why i'm not a Christian anymore, not saying i'm an atheist. but fuck it, i'm not a
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:32 No.1398590
You should believe the radioactive halos.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:47 No.1398607
ive seen this before, but im begging that hes not serious.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:50 No.1398611
you beg that is serioss but hes not over thois seen massege
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)21:52 No.1398614
Boring flash is boring. Text? Seriously over-estimating the attention span of 4channers.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)22:04 No.1398625
trolling in progress
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)22:16 No.1398634
lol its funnybecause a athiests is narrating.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)22:31 No.1398640
fuck you modernests....why must you needlessly attack other ways of thought than your own
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)22:34 No.1398642
The tone and matter-of-fact attitude make me think the creator of this flash is a troll. I know
this is not a new flash by any means, but if you are out there Mr. author guy, work on your
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)23:09 No.1398674
Satire are not fun , it's not even slightly funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)23:16 No.1398678
Because they're false
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)23:22 No.1398682
man this is hilarious
>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/10(Mon)23:39 No.1398696
so fucking retarded...