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This is resource Y8HLODV, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/1 -2011 03:01:01

Ended:10/1 -2011 19:51:37

Checked:31/1 -2011 13:16:01

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File[ebs2.swf] - (2.16 MB)
[_] [?] WARNING: Zombies! Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)20:57 No.1448148

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)22:04 No.1448174

  Sounds too fake.

  They wouldn't outright call them zombies when talking to the public, they would try to downplay
  it as best they can.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/09/11(Sun)22:34 No.1448188

  sounds like it was written by a 12 year old. Fail

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)01:17 No.1448264

  I'd recommend removing the zombie part from the symptoms list and replacing it with high fever,
  delirium, and aggressive behavior. Also, it'd be the CDC issuing the broadcast, not PSPD.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)02:52 No.1448295

  fuck the gov is retarded we are all going to die!!!
  ZOMBIES... god has officially push the reset button. all complex life as we know it will cease as
  we know it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:18 No.1448341

  Pretty cool, but I don't think the EAS uses that nice of a pixel font. :)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:22 No.1448344

  EAS can be used by local authorities, as well. Here in IL, we get them all the time for tornadoes
  or heavy storms, and I seem to recall they're posted by the local NWS in Lincoln.

  That said, this does sound a little amateurish for a real emergency broadcast.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)12:32 No.1448474

  Cool idea but you should trim up the writing. Look up actual case scenarios for infectious
  disease and government actions (there is a database covering all mass epidemic scenarios, even
  the black plague). You should replace "zombie" with infected persons. You should also do two. One
  about the spread of the disease and one possibly two days after the infection started describing
  infected persons and how to stay clear from infected persons.
Created: 10/1 -2011 03:01:01 Last modified: 31/1 -2011 13:36:26 Server time: 05/01 -2025 07:54:17