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This is resource BK401NL, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/2013764 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32. Discovered flash files: 2
There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files). File: This_Kills_the_Crab.swf-(7.63 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)00:52 No.2013764 crab Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)00:57 No.2013768 the last guys waits till it suffers >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:13 No.2013784 I can't help but feel like if I can't deal with sadistic shit, I shouldn't be on 4chan. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:19 No.2013793 >>2013768 He's a stone cold killa. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:19 No.2013794 personally I throw them in the pot, and slowly turn up the heat. You hear what some people refer to as screaming. Slowly boiling them alive is where you get the flavor from. Thats not softshelled though. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:37 No.2013818 >>2013784 Pretty much >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:39 No.2013822 >>2013794 Waiter? my crab was exquisite, I can taste the agonizing pain it went through as it's gills slowly melted just like the butter in the garlic sauce in which it was baked. My compliments to the chef. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:39 No.2013823 >>2013768 Some men just want to watch the crab burn. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)01:44 No.2013830 Damn it. Now I'm hungry. Fuck you OP. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)02:07 No.2013857 >>2013822 Fuck you now I'm going to say this to the next waiter from wherever the fuck I order crab from. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)02:11 No.2013860 >>2013768 >Rip off dick >Tear out lungs >Cut face off >In that order Holy fucking shit. I almost see him doing that to a person. INB4 hurr normal >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)02:20 No.2013868 crabs have lungs? i thought they had lungbooks, being basically arachnids. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)02:40 No.2013883 i was expecting this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f17abJOMel4 it happens to underwater welders all the time a human getting sucked through a tiny little hole like that >> [_] barkley! 06/24/13(Mon)02:47 No.2013887 >2nd video in flash >bile sack pops right out while crab is writhing in its last throes LOL >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:02 No.2013894 >>2013794 That's why cats torment and play with their prey. Adrenaline tenderizes the meat. :3 That's why, when I kill my pigs, I always put them in a small enclosure and whip them till they pass out. Then I hang them upside down and make the killing cut to the throat. Tastes like win. >> [_] > 06/24/13(Mon)03:13 No.2013900 >>2013894 ... except doing unnecessary shit to pigs before you kill them makes the meat less tender. Sounds like you need to learn some more before you can attempt to be edgy. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:18 No.2013902 >>2013900 Sounds like you need to learn some more about trolls before attempting to correct them. :D >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:19 No.2013904 >>2013794 Crabs and lobsters can't sense subtle changes in temperature. If you slowly boil them alive, they won't even notice. They only hate it when you dump them right into a bubbling pot. >tfw crab's face >> [_] > 06/24/13(Mon)03:20 No.2013905 >>2013902 You need to learn more about trolling before attempting to be one. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:21 No.2013909 >>2013794 >>2013894 That awkward moment when adrenaline just makes meat taste awful. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:22 No.2013910 >>2013905 aww. Now I'm all heartbroken. You has bested me in teh game of internetz argumentor. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:28 No.2013914 >>2013902 how about you go back to /b/ :D >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:29 No.2013915 No more info on how crab killing works. I haz sads. :( >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:33 No.2013916 >>2013914 hmm... no. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)03:34 No.2013917 >>2013784 nah man, we don't laugh at torture, we laugh at people acting pathetic while they get tortured its just unnecessary to cause such a low creature this kind of suffering >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)04:44 No.2013939 Lobsters and crabs don't scream when you put them in boiling water. They don't have vocal cords. The sound you hear is air escaping from inside their shells, the do pretty much die instantly. Pain has nothing to do the flavor, freshness has to do with the flavor. Also shellfish have a higher risk of contamination of they're stored after being killed, it's healthier and more sanitary to kill them right before or during cooking. Finally the things are on about the same level of brain development as your average cockroach. But if you're still bothered despite all those facts, just don't eat them. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)04:50 No.2013944 >>2013917 i thought we laugh at other peoples over sensitive reactions to torture? that's what i've always done...laugh at all the "OMG THE POOR CRAB!!!!" people. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)04:54 No.2013945 >>2013939 im bothered how they just cut a living creatures face off and laughed it off. there has got to be another way.. like maybe a bullet. i mean jesus. >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)04:56 No.2013946 The last guy's a douche >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)05:19 No.2013951 >>2013939 Lobsters actually don't feel pain at all. It's a biological imperative that they don't, considering lobster "society" is pretty much nothing more than constant duelling. (When they want to mate, they battle. When they move into another lobster's territory, they battle. When two lobsters find each other at random, they battle. The reason lobster's claws are rubber banded shut is not to stop them from pinching the servers, but to stop them from killing each other in the tank.) >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)05:27 No.2013954 >>2013951 Crab battle! >> [_] Anonymous 06/24/13(Mon)05:53 No.2013967 number of times >>2013951 mentions the word lobster: 3. number of times he mentions crabs: 0. >>2013954 response... we're dealing with a real fucking brain trust here.... |