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Threads (8):
File[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1240926 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1240968 おにいちゃんサイコーッ! >> [_] Anon 1241057 huy huy huuuuyyyyyyy >> [_] Anon 1241081 12846 >> [_] Anon 1241087 This game is fucking amazing
File[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] TREBROCHET Anon 1066086 FUCK YEAR Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1066087 Why does the narrator cum harder or softer depending on how well I do? >> [_] Anon 1066091 >># Because moving furniture has never been so fucking awesome. >> [_] Anon 1066119 how is each part of the score calculated? Can't moonspeak. >> [_] Anon 1066136 13318 >> [_] Anon 1066141 14231 >> [_] Anon 1066142 How does this game expect me to shoot furniture into the house's red spot with a wobbly trebuchet and a japanese house that's as fragile as fuck? >> [_] Anon 1066148 >># the idea of it is to get it as close as you can to that red marker. even if the old lady's hows falls apart. >> [_] Anon 1066150 >># >hows >> [_] Anon 1066161 13363 >> [_] Anon 1066167 30178 >> [_] Anon 1066171 33479 >> [_] aika !!WuYNnPZ/f0U 1066254 Hey. Hey. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! >> [_] Anon 1066277 points: 1. distance to the right place. the closer the better. 2. damage to the house. the more the better. 3. damage to granny. the less the better. >> [_] Anon 1066298 13714
File :[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] And a game (Why not?) Polysynchronicity 950616 >> [_] Anon 950622 Who the fuck made clouds solid? >> [_] Anon 950652 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >> [_] Anon 950693 Other than the fact that >>#, I enjoyed smashing the old lady with random objects and ruining her house. I also enjoyed smashing the big dude at the front of the Trebuchet. >> [_] Anon 950697 12,568 my new high score >> [_] Anon 950700 anyone get what the second and third (listed after each throw) scores are? >> [_] Anon 950786 Japan's too lazy to hire furniture movers. >> [_] Anon 950794 12909 >> [_] Anon 950795 i got over 9000 >> [_] Anon 950883 13,491 for me >> [_] Anon 950892 13534 >> [_] Anon 950902 Hitting the old woman with the fridge has got to be the most satisfying thing. >> [_] Anon 950915 >># house damage and granny damage more house damage is better, less granny damage is better >> [_] Anon 950947 13812, sheer luck though
File :[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Trebuchet moving men Anon 898481 Can anyone mess with this to change the physics? Eh. If not, enjoy destroying Grandma's house. >> [_] Anon 898483 How the fuck do you get the wardrobe in the fucking house? >> [_] Anon 898514 what is each scoring denomination for? >> [_] Anon 898518 >># bounce it off the ground >> [_] Anon 898523 12919 >> [_] Anon 898524 Can you get inside anything without demolishing the house? >> [_] Anon 898532 a small round object managed to break the entire house with ease >> [_] Anon 898546 Alright I think this is how the scoring goes: First batch: position and orientation Second batch: destruction to house (max 250) Third batch: how 'little' you damage the item, eg not bouncing it a ton (max 500) >> [_] Anon 898553 Fuck yeah 13297 >> [_] Anon 898556 >># So this means the goal IS to destroy the house? >> [_] Anon 898562 14042 :PPP >> [_] Anon 898635 Goddamnit, can't anyone hack this and remove the fucking ceiling? >> [_] Kokanut! !o6SKznu5ZU 898694 >># This needs to be hacked just to go faster. I have no patience waiting for the scores, I just wanna toss stuff at her house >> [_] Anon 898703 >># third one is the damage made to granny, less damage, more points So the goal is to get the item to its spot, destroy the house and leave the granny untouched
File :[Hikkoshi.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Anon 877626 epic Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 877632 I got 13369, Try to beat that :D >> [_] Anon 877646 Agreed >> [_] Anon 877647 12.320 :( >> [_] Anon 877654 haeh..... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH hheeuuh. >> [_] Anon 877691 13533 is the best I've been able to manage, I'd be able to get higher if I could figure out a way to do the fridge. Christ. >> [_] Anon 877706 13270. Once you get the hang of it, this game is surprisingly fun. >> [_] Anon 877710 13353. Hey! >> [_] Anon 877712 13356. Not bad. >> [_] Anon 877743 12896 I failed ~_~ >> [_] Anon 877748 Wow there are some bullshit things going on here. I clicked and it didnt release it at all. >> [_] Anon 877750 13612 after several attempts. >> [_] Anon 877751 13616 >> [_] Anon 877791 13107 ):
File :[Hikkoshi.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Beat my high score of 14526! Anon 874311 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 874356 at the first try I hit the guy righthand to the catapult >> [_] Anon 874359 damn I got 13404 >> [_] Anon 874376 13612 I got the ball right in the circle. I quit. >> [_] Anon 874389 13505. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU >> [_] Anon 874437 >># >>I got the ball right in the circle. holy hell >> [_] Anon 874439 basically, you want to get it as close as possible, while doing as much damage as possible to house, without injuring grandma >> [_] Anon 874442 My first try, I got almost 14000 On all subsequent attempts, I was lucky to get 13000 >> [_] Anon 874445 CLICK TO SHOT CLICK TO DISCONNECT KEEP NEAR TO TARGET >> [_] Anon 874446 15201 >> [_] Anon 874462 14527 >> [_] Anon 874463 >># troll >> [_] Commissioner Red !5gFoSxriW2 874464 wat. >> [_] Anon 874479 THIS IS HOW SHIT IS BUILT IN JAPAN! >> [_] Anon 874492 the fucking firdge never gets even near the other side of the house wtf >> [_] Anon 874508 Now this is how you should move furniture! >> [_] Anon 874509 >># With the fridge and the dresser, the best approach is to bounce it in front of the house and roll/spin roughly into position. >> [_] Anon 874510 My problem is with the fact that you get it there, then the supports collapse, and before it 'measures' the score, whatever you've thrown in like a metre further away! >> [_] Anon 874517 13313 fak >> [_] Anon 874527 Well, grandma is certainly good at catch. Hope she likes the placement >> [_] Anon 874567 13839
File :[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Anon 861075 Repost because this game is fun Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 861079 I might as well set the bar here. 13441 >> [_] Anon 861104 its awesome >> [_] Anon 861111 13933 >> [_] Anon 861113 i get 100% CPU usage with this flash but its fun >> [_] Anon 861121 Am I the only one who actually tries to do as much damage as possible instead of getting the projectile to the target? >> [_] Anon 861122 >># i cant do anything other than that >> [_] Anon 861130 13257 As far as I can tell: The first score seems to go up with your proximity to the desired location (the lower the number in the upper left, the better your score) The second number I'm not too sure about... I feel like it has something to do with knocking the homeowner over, but for some reason you get a few points (100-200)for doing it. The third number is linked to how bad you fucked up the house, it seems to start at 500 for a perfectly untouched house (in which case you probably lost tons of points on your distance and hit the woman scores, making it not worth it) and going down as you fuck more shit up. It never seems to go too far below 400 though, even if you totally demolish the house with the dresser. Also, high score of 13257. >> [_] Anon 861155 >># umm...sure says: payload's position (new) home's condition (more damage is better) grandma (less damage is better) >> [_] Anon 861224 1 for proximity, 2 for item position(not upside down etc) 3. house damage. got 11232 so far. >> [_] Anon 861229 14130 >> [_] Anon 861237 I seem to have hit a ceiling in the mid-12000s. That fucking ball never ends up anywhere near where it ought... >> [_] Anon 861238 13556 >> [_] Anon 861240 i fuck up the fridge all the time >> [_] Anon 861273 Dude, I nailed Grandma with the table. >> [_] Anon 861274 Did anyone ever get the spinny circle of awesome that means you got the item straight onto the target, or pretty darn close? >> [_] Anon 861275 >># except for the daruma, yes >> [_] Anon 861282 I got over 13K on my first try, and have been unable to replicate that since >> [_] Anon 861284 13162 >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 861285 THis game cracks me up. >> [_] Anon 861302 How do I shot grandma? >> [_] Anon 861319 I love how you cam barely touch the house with a ball, and it will completely crumble
File :[hikkoshi01.swf] - (278 KB) [_] [G] Move furniture with a Trebuchet Anon 854097 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 854128 somehow, this seems like something i would do... >> [_] Anon 854151 MOTHER OF FUCK THIS GAME RULES! >> [_] Anon 854199 I love this game! It makes my life full of meaning! >> [_] Anon 854298 hey! heyyy! hey! >> [_] Anon 854319 13280 Messed up on the last one. Game kicks ass thans OP. >> [_] Anon 854323 Launching furniture with a japanese Fonzie. AWESOME. >> [_] Anon 854325 18700 Owned. >> [_] Anon 854328 SHIT'S IMPOSSIBLE. >> [_] Anon 854333 >># How the fuck did you get that? >> [_] Mr.Bigs 854335 >># 19045 Using HAX >> [_] Anon 854367 I've been searching this for aeons. Thanks kind OP >> [_] Anon 854418 >># Thanks, OP, I'm opening a moving business. We'll partner with U-Haul. >> [_] Anon 854451 What the fuck are the scores? First one is closest to target, but the other two? >> [_] Anon 854452 Somehow this game freezes up Opera and makes it not respond unless closed through ending the process. >> [_] Anon 854493 >># Second one is for the condition of the house (seems you get more points the more thoroughly you destroy it!?) and the third is the condition of the old lady (best score is for missing her completely) |