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What&#039;s the Right Minimum Wage.swf
8,98 MiB, 05:13 | [W] [I]

Threads (6):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/4 -2020 01:51:38 Ended: 13/4 -2020 16:39:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Anon 3424741 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3424762 less and less people will be even able to get a job due to technological unemployment. This is besides the fact people should be working for themselves and to better society instead of a private dictatorship which is what working for money or a corporation is.
>> [_] Anon 3424768 why would you rip this garbage off youtube.
>> [_] Anon 3424771 >># Probably so people can gain a little economic wisdom in between fap sessions
>> [_] Anon 3424772 >># Also economics gets interesting once you hear economists endorsing things like sweatshops, price-gouging and selling kidneys for cash.
>> [_] Anon 3424781 Who bought and paid for this video? Who is responsible for packaging information like this and presenting it to you in this way? Prager U is a conservative think tank paid for by billionaires. The first rule of critical thinking is evaluating the quality of your sources and what biases they might have
>> [_] Anon 3424783 Workers should have to pay for every job or contract that way companies can boast more marked up quarterlies to meet regional quotas. This eliminates the need for work experience or job training. Problem solved.
>> [_] Anon 3424807 While some parts of this are correct, what most people seem to forget is any normal person will be lowballed by some drug addict willing to work for pennies at jobs that are currently minimum wage. Its not like they're already lowballed by greencard holders and illegals in non-corp jobs. Hell, there's an indian reservation near Gallup, NM where they hire greencard mexicans for cheap and every night they basically kick them out of the reservation. Getting any job that is at minimum wage that requires any kind of work experience is a fool errand. You already know what kinda hell that place is without having to apply.
>> [_] Anon 3424814 >># but MUMUMUHH MARKEET

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/11 -2016 22:49:15 Ended: 6/11 -2016 06:51:03Flashes: 1 Posts: 41
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Anon 3172179 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3172183 >># lolbertarians at it again I guess
>> [_] Anon 3172184 This follows the same logic as trickle down economics, that money is distributed from the top to the bottom and that if that was to be altered, it would have to even out someway, which is demonstrably not true. Then again you americans have always gotten fucked when it comes to worker rights, enjoy your media-placed presidential candidate by the way. I meant Clinton, in case it had to be especified.
>> [_] Anon 3172192 >libertariarism
>> [_] Anon 3172216 The best thing about that flash was the people saying YES!!
>> [_] Anon 3172232 >># Trickle down economics worked, however flawed it may have been, it only started to fail entirely because people had to fuck it up constantly screeching "IT JUST DONT WORK MAN ITS JUST THEORY AND IT DON'T WORK" The New Deal was the turning point Ayn Rand was right all along Democracy doesn't work the more democracy it involves And also it doesn't exist, because the secret services always pre-emptively elect and eject their own rulers peace out bitches
>> [_] Anon 3172239 >murifats being dumb Minimum wages are the best wealth reallocation mechanism available to a nation, and create socially desirable outcomes such as non homelessness. >muh employment and inflation murifat is at 4.9% according to google. anything under 5% is under the non accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, which creates inflationary pressure on prices + wage increases leading to decreasing international competitiveness can murifats really be this dumb?
>> [_] Anon 3172241 This is bullshit, capitalist propaganda. Make people work for nothing just like in 3rd world countries, but I guess that is what US is becoming
>> [_] Anon 3172243 >># PragerU is god-tier at triggering normalfags.
>> [_] Anon 3172244 >># America is going to be first again
>> [_] Anon 3172246 >># >there inflation is at 4.9 >it won't go higher guys, trust me.
>> [_] Anon 3172248 ???????? Is this a joke? Noone sane would believe this.
>> [_] Anon 3172249 >># First on mars, or what does this sentence imply?
>> [_] Anon 3172257 >># So much this. "What is the American industrial revolution Alex."
>> [_] Anon 3172258 >># Ancient history Also all unions are corrupt and should be dissolved, if you're good enough at your job you shouldn't need protection from some organization.
>> [_] Anon 3172260 >># You lay a lot of trust in the hope that the ones who control wealth are ultimately good people and won't try to screw you.
>> [_] Anon 3172261 >># trickle down economics never made a lot of sense for me it's like building a house by starting at the roof I think stimulating and helping promote the creation of small businesses is probably the best
>> [_] Anon 3172262 >># >># >their inflation has fluctuated from 3.8% to -.4% in the past 20 years and is currently at 1.5% you dingbats. Use google.
>> [_] Anon 3172263 >># I would tend to agree with this being that small business employ the majority of Americans. Perhaps making it easier for small business to prosper would do more to help the American people people instead of just saying "give the rich people money and maybe it will come back to you."
>> [_] Anon 3172266 >># Businesses dont wont people who are "good at thier jobs", they want people who are going to lower the bottom line. Sure you're a good worker, but you demand a high salary and plenty of benefits because of it. If the company can hire two part-time dingbats who, collectively, do 120% of the workload you do, while still denying them benefits and paying out the same amount of total salary, they'll totally do it. I'm not saying that's wrong or right, but the idea that the company entity as a whole is interested in YOUR benefit rather than it's own ever is flawed. There's reason why things like Overtime, maternity leave, workers compensation, OSHA Safety Standards, etc are federal law. Because if they were required, they wouldn't adhere to them, becuse they cost money. The only reason you can sit and say "unions are worthless" now is because of how well they fucking did thier jobs when they weren't just a useful entity, but an absolute fucking necessity for establishing a decent standard of living for the working middle class.
>> [_] Anon 3172267 >># >Also all unions are corrupt and should be dissolved Just because american unions are fucking retarded doesn't mean the concept is wrong, they work pretty damn well in pretty much any first world country. You guys seriously have to rethink them though
>> [_] Anon 3172273 >># >they want people who are going to lower the bottom line. And if lowering that bottom line causes their product quality to slip, they'll have shot themselves in the foot. People don't force you to buy things (except when, sometimes, they do), so all you have to do to punish such companies is to not contribute to their success. If, on the other hand, a company somehow can produce its good/service by using dingbats instead of good workers, then those "good workers" aren't actually contributing more to society than the dingbats, and don't deserve better pay and benefits.
>> [_] Anon 3172276 >># The funny thing about this is that companies often reach agreements behind the courtain in order to set limits in terms of wages etc. Companies work like unions do in order to limit freedoms/salaries instead of workers having unions in order to fight for them, it's insane.
>> [_] Anon 3172278 I am not concerned with minimum wage as I work in sales for commission, and people making minimum wage even if it were higher generally don't have the credit to buy my product considering not all, but most of them have not made amazing financial choices or enough financial choices up to that point. please work hard and improve yourselves anon-kuns
>> [_] Anon 3172281 Yeah thanks for a demonstrating your college freshman understanding of labor markets. Unfortunately the issue is more complicated than that.
>> [_] Anon 3172282 >># >people don't force you to buy things >implying people can tell the quality of a product If a company builds your house with lead pipes and asbestos for insulation, or adds cheaper chemicals to your food, it's not as if you can just "know and avoid that product." Furthermore, if one company or group of companies holds a monopoly in a product needed for life, how is are supposed to go find another provider? Especially in medicine, energy, food (albeit less so), and real estate, it isn't trivial to go start up a new business and break a monopoly.
>> [_] Anon 3172286 >># >capitalist propaganda >MAKE people work for nothing Do the workers get a gun pointed to their heads? Oh wait, that's taxation. Maybe if you'd stop being such a fucking beta male then you'd be able to negotiate a wage without the state doing it for you.
>> [_] Anon 3172289 >># Sure you can. I can monitor my mood and health and associate them to what foods I've been eating, so there's lots of stuff I don't eat now. For building quality, there are inspectors: I wouldn't buy a car/house/etc. without having a professional inspect it first. I certainly wouldn't blindly trust that my local government has made enough regulations (and made sure they're enforced) to prevent that sort of thing. Monopolies are, as you say, a huge danger. We're seeing problems of that now (look at the mess that is US telco/ISP). That's why it's important to make it easy to create new businesses. This isn't solely related to companies hiring low quality workers, however; monopolies cause far more problems. >># Yeah, that sort of thing is terrible. I have no objection to laws against that sort of conspiracy, but in practice I don't think those laws have teeth. It's easy for everyone involved to simply play dumb and keep hiking prices. If barriers to entry are lowered, however, the threat of competition can (locally) protect against that. I've heard of some great stories where the huge ISPs collude over a small region, but a town (or person) finally has enough and sets up a small provider, finding out that it's actually dirt cheap to provide quality that the giants refuse to.
>> [_] Anon 3172297 >inflation rises over the decades and the same minimum wage job for the same hours can't pay a person's living wages anymore >but it's all big gubs fault, they don't deserve more money don't make me pay non-slave wages plz
>> [_] Anon 3172299 >># >"negotiate" with mega-corporations that have smashed unions into dust and are prepared to replace you with the reservoir of unemployed NEETs a stagnant market has created
>> [_] Anon 3172302 >burgerclaps actually believe this
>> [_] Anon 3172304 >># And you are not the only one working for 2 dollars an hour. If a large portion of the population earns 2 dollars an hour then the market has to adjust as well, otherwise everything would be too expensive for 60% of the people and companies would lose customers. Do you really think the companies would hire the middle class for 2 dollars an hour and then still sell 700 dollar iPhones/whatever to the middle class? The market has to adjust, otherwise the companies would go under. Apply the same principle to everything else.
>> [_] Anon 3172305 what is a wage???
>> [_] Anon 3172306 >># You know companies live forever right? But people's lives are finite? So long as they make profit within their lifetime why bother worrying about that stuff? This is cause for literally every economic bubble
>> [_] Anon 3172320 Is there a reason we would actually need a minimum wage?
>> [_] Anon 3172327 >># Haha someone had a long chat with their dad on the way to lacrosse practice. "Listen son"
>> [_] Anon 3172329 >># >it only started to fail entirely because people had to fuck it up constantly screeching "IT JUST DONT WORK MAN ITS JUST THEORY AND IT DON'T WORK" Then it didn't work, if it can't work just because people bitch and moan about it, it's a flawed plan
>> [_] Anon 3172331 >># Because businesses are the leukocytes of a capitalist country's collective organism. They keep the system running but don't you doubt for a second that they will eat your fucking children to save a dime.
>> [_] Anon 3172332 >># Some owners actually do fuck over workers, but the majority realize dicking your labor force and the community is a pretty stupid idea
>> [_] Anon 3172337 >"Waaaa" >"Pioneers and innovators of the past century aren't entitled to their spoils!" >"Whites have no heritage!" >"The only way to peace is through Radical Islam!" -Your Liberal GF
>> [_] Anon 3172340 work for free wagecucks its the right thing to do

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 4/3 -2016 09:04:24 Ended: 4/3 -2016 17:18:23Flashes: 1 Posts: 21
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Anon 3035021 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3035025 What a load of crock shit. If businesses had their way they'd be paying everyone 5 dollars an hour. Want to see no minimum wage? Hello Taiwan, where any teenager can get a job that pays less than a dollar an hour!
>> [_] Anon 3035026 >someone's willing to be paid below minimum wage shiggydiggy
>> [_] Anon 3035027 >># So, What he's saying is, There should be no standard to which businesses should conform in terms of labor costs, because despite the fact that a business is, by and large, going to sell their product at whatever fucking price they want (because it's their product, and the only thing truly regulating their costs are the costs of their competitors) their needs for labor don't outweigh their desire to not spend money on it. On top of this, they expect any individual to accept whatever price the company wishes to pay you, despite a massive decrease in the need for working hands in the USA due to Mechanization and outsourcing of Labor, or you can simply "work someplace else"? Concise blah blah blah indeed, What on earth is your Economics degree printed on, Cardboard?
>> [_] Anon 3035043 The minimum wage should be a function of company size and income, no one should be allowed to hoard capital, remove bullshit welfare system for basic income, stop allowing wealthy to provoke conflicts for short term profit unless they want to march in first, everything is fixed.
>> [_] Anon 3035062 fuck even if there was no minimum wage, which certainly is required because businesses aren't gonna just suddenly lower the cost of living unless they are forced to, young people still wouldn't get jobs because the market is flooded with applicants.
>> [_] Anon 3035067 minimum wage prevents reliance on welfare from people who otherwise work
>> [_] Anon 3035078 Glad to see so many people see through this bullshit.
>> [_] Anon 3035081 >># If they don't like the pay they can just quit. All a minimum wage does is artificially inflate the value of the dollar.
>> [_] Anon 3035087 This is bullshit. Even if a minimum wage increases the price of a company's product to subset "lost" money from hiring employees, the general populace will also have more money to spend on said products. It goes hand in hand.
>> [_] Anon 3035089 Economists of the pre-2005 era were full of shit. They didn't know what the hell they were doing, and most of that is due to Reagan and his bullshit policies he enacted.
>> [_] Anon 3035099 didnt understand a shit so government raises minimum wage, so new people with no job history wont get job? thus making unemployment bigger, thus making media influence bigger on them????
>> [_] Zinogre 3035108 >># The most cost-effective of materials through recycling
>> [_] Anon 3035137 >># >a business is, by and large, going to sell their product at whatever fucking price they want >the only thing truly regulating their costs are the costs of their competitor are you fucking high? in a perfectly competitive market (one where there are lots and lots of business selling basically identical products with little to virtually no novelty), the price is regulated by demand. the competitor doesn't set the price, the customer does. it doesn't matter how much competition a business has, if the customer isn't willing to pay the price, they aren't selling product. >b-b-but what if the competitor sells for cheaper? that's what i meant! any business wants to sell at the highest price the customer will pay so they can make the most profit. again, demand sets this limit. if the customer wants it badly enough, they'll pay more for it. the only reason to sell cheaper is to try to drive up customer traffic (and possibly steal customers from the competition). there is actually a formula used to determine if the increase in traffic and sales offsets the lowered price. >yeah, but what if a business sells below cost to kill competition? their competitor isn't going to sell the product below cost forever because they won't break even (let alone make a profit) and will eventually have to shut down. so if the competitor is selling cheaper, it's because they can afford to. they have some advantage that allows them to lower the costs of production. this will force other competitors to either copy them or innovate so that they can keep up. (guess what, this is how business drives invention and innovation) TL;DR - a business's competition doesn't set the price of their product. the customer does. but it doesn't matter what i say because you're a good little indoctrinated liberal. your mind is already made up and i'm sure any response i'll get will simply be a shitshow of "i'm right, you're wrong. because i said so."
>> [_] Anon 3035139 Employers won't pay people what they're worth, they'll pay the smallest amount they can get away with paying and pocket the rest as profit.
>> [_] Anon 3035142 >># >perfectly competitive good luck getting that, too. >formula used to determine bullshit sauce >underselling forever they're only going to undersell when they aren't able to when customers are in prime time to steal from other companies all in all, your statement is mostly irrelevant to the primary topic [minimum wage].
>> [_] Anon 3035145 >># the smallest amount they can get away with *IS* what you're worth. because if you were worth more, you'd go somewhere else where they pay more. if your skills aren't in high demand you can't charge a premium for them.
>> [_] Anon 3035151 >># >good luck getting [a perfectly competitive market] there are plenty of markets that are classified as perfectly competitive, fucknut. i'll bet you think "market" refers to the whole economy and have this notion in your mind that the economy as a whole isn't perfectly competitive (which, the whole economy isn't... but you don't understand because you're starting with an incorrect definition of "market") >sauce next you'll be saying that because i didn't provide proof that you win. as if to imply that proof doesn't exist because i didn't furnish it for you. you're perfectly capable of using Google, don't be a wankstain. >they're only going to [word salad] prime time to seal... but that breaks your suggestion that the competition sets the price. it shows that they aren't simply undercutting their competition. there are other factors at play. how do you not get this? you have to look at the price of labor in the same way that you look at the price of a product or service. in this case, the customer is your employer. if you're offering labor that is unskilled that any idiot off the street can supply, or if your labor can be replaced by a machine, you can't expect to command a high salary. they pay you what you're worth. if you want to make more money, learn skills that command a higher salary. this shit isn't complicated. quite the opposite, in fact. it's straightforward and formulaic. in the end any argument about the minimum wage comes down to "fairness".
>> [_] Anon 3035155 >>#>>#>>#>>#>># 35039>>#>>#>>#>># >>#>>#>>#>>#>># 35108>>#>>#>>#>># >># Please go to /b/ if you want to participate in bait threads like these.
>> [_] Anon 3035158 >># Unless they decide to engage in cronyism. Have you noticed that Verizon and AT&T don't actually compete with one another and get to give everyone shit-tier internet as a result? Same thing would happen, only instead of awful ISP's, you'd have awful paychecks for everyone. Wealth gap gets bigger, 99% of people become wage slaves because they just BARELY make enough to get by. Welcome to the cyberpunk dystopia. The free market isn't perfect, it requires some regulation to not be twisted into something that fucks everyone in the ass. The minimum wage makes it harder to get a job, yes. It also makes people less likely to turn to welfare and other handouts to make ends meet.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/7 -2015 10:03:37 Ended: 7/7 -2015 14:21:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 47
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Anon 2836736 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2836742 if this had been posted in the pm it would get 20 replies
>> [_] Anon 2836743 >># With government intervention lots of these things are common. When the government digs its fingers in, costs frequently go up. Same thing with raising taxes, they've found that when taxes are raised for the rich frequently the government actually makes less money because the rich work out ways to avoid the taxes.
>> [_] Anon 2836746 This is super interesting, I'm surprise something so intelligent is on 4Chan. Infact I'm not sure this is 4Chan anymore.
>> [_] Anon 2836747 Yes, deregulate the market! Get back to child labour at cents on the hour without safety checks!
>> [_] Anon 2836748 >># >something is hard to do because rich people are assholes so why try
>> [_] Anon 2836749 >># Pfft, Child Labour builds character.
>> [_] Anon 2836765 >># Yes.
>> [_] Anon 2836767 >># Nice strawman
>> [_] Anon 2836771 >># sounds good considering at the rates of inflation since the mid-1800's, cents on the hour would probably end up somewhere around the current federal minimum wage, and considering the rate of overpopulation since, you would probably have thousands of twenty-somethings vetting for the positions once available for people half their age we need child labor because you are all a bunch of fucking children
>> [_] Anon 2836774 Shitty propaganda.
>> [_] Anon 2836776 Amerifags cant pick between communism and capitalism when there's socialism
>> [_] Anon 2836778 >># This.
>> [_] Anon 2836793 >># Sanders 2016
>> [_] Anon 2836794 is this wagecuck really asking to be paid less per hour? roflmao
>> [_] Anon 2836796 >># >Yes, deregulate the market! Get back to child labour at cents on the hour without safety checks! I fucking hate people like you, seriously. Child labor didn't end because it became illegal, it ended because the economy grew wealthy enough for it to be feasible. Nobody actually wants their children to work, but it has been like that for most of human history because otherwise the family will starve due to lack of sufficient wealth. Every economy that eventually grew wealth enough to abandon child labor did so by allowing it to continue happening until it was no longer necessary. Every time it was made illegal in a country prematurely, it caused people to die of starvation, and it caused children to go into prostitution in order to help pay for themselves and their families. In summation, fuck you in the ass with a cactus for putting your emotions before facts.
>> [_] Anon 2836804 >># He makes tons of money because he's a talking head.
>> [_] Anon 2836807 >># decreasing the minimum wage =/= paying people less You literally have to be the most economically retarded type of person to think that minimum wage is good for society.
>> [_] Anon 2836809 This guy is seriously advocating that minimum wage, which was designed initially so that people couldn't be hired for less than what would be REQUIRED to maintain a family be removed. That's what minimum wage was. For a single individual to sustain a whole family on their own.
>> [_] Anon 2836810 >># go back to /k/
>> [_] Anon 2836812 >># Paying the minimum wage = "I would pay you less, but it's illegal to do so."
>> [_] π/3 !RadianYdsU 2836815 yea. this makes a lot of sense. i knew that high school financial studies class would come in handy
>> [_] Anon 2836819 >there are autists in fields other than CS who would have thought?
>> [_] Anon 2836821 >># He's a professor of a field he really shouldn't have been a student in.
>> [_] Anon 2836823 Dey took er jerbs
>> [_] Anon 2836826 >># >This guy is seriously advocating that minimum wage, which was designed initially so that people couldn't be hired for less than what would be REQUIRED to maintain a family be removed. You fucking retard. It wasn't originally designed for that. The people who designed the minimum wage were the old progressives from 100 years ago. They were eugenicists who openly advocated murdering all poor people. The aim of the minimum wage was to hurt the poor and make them more easy to identify so that they could be rounded up and killed. The idea of minimum wage being good for poor people is a modern concept that people pulled out of their asses because nobody is a eugenicist anymore. Fuck you for not checking your facts. Economic policy has serious implications, it is socially irresponsible to put your feelings before facts.
>> [_] Anon 2836829 >># It sure is, dumbass. _Standards_Act Fuck you for not checking your facts.
>> [_] Anon 2836832 the issue is a widespread lack of ethics, and a wider-spread sense of greed. Corporations and especially corporation-led chains will refuse to pay workers a reasonable wage, -regardless- of their education, experience, or value. The reason behind this is because they know that workers are desperate, and the very nature of supply and demand means those workers become devalued. This is where child labor comes from: A lack of ethics and moral understanding, and a focus on profits over worker welfare. Unions are supposed to protect this, but in reality have become so corrupt that they rarely do. The only way for unions to prevent corporate abuse is to enforce their own brand of justice on those who break the rules, and this itself is illegal. Corporations will go to the government to force workers back into the workplace or scatter unions if it becomes a requirement and their investors demand it. The entire system is rotten to the core, and the only way to fix it is to work for yourself, or force your employer to pay you what your work is WORTH... if it's 3 dollars an hour, fine. You can improve your skills, get more money... but until employers pay workers what their sweat is worth, there must be an alternative. So you have a choice. A minimum wage... or a steelworker with a baseball bat. Take your pick. I'll tell you this: I favor the bat.
>> [_] Anon 2836833 >># Okay I'll take the hit on this one. I didn't know about that law. But it doesn't change the fact that the eugenicists had the right idea about minimum wage. It does hurt the poor.
>> [_] Anon 2836841 >># It's designed to create a bottom floor and doesn't account for anything below the bottom. We have programs for that as well which account for it. These programs have been bastardized because of abuse of loopholes in the system itself. Currently, it is possible, not likely, but possible to support a family without a job whatsoever. In a world that is not being abused by literally everyone trying to force everyone else down (Basically an imaginary world, I'll admit that.) we can easily educate those people beneath the "bottom" which the bottom is supposed to be secure. It's not about helping or hurting, it's applying hard mathematics to the human element which is fucking bad at math.
>> [_] Anon 2836847 >># schlomo pls tell me again how it's ok to use kids for chimney sweeping
>> [_] Anon 2836852 >># >It's designed to create a bottom floor and doesn't account for anything below the bottom. We have programs for that as well which account for it. These programs have been bastardized because of abuse of loopholes in the system itself. Remove the bottom floor and the programs, then the problem is solved because there are no programs to bastardize. >Currently, it is possible, not likely, but possible to support a family without a job whatsoever. Well that's fucking stupid and parasitic as hell. >In a world that is not being abused by literally everyone trying to force everyone else down (Basically an imaginary world, I'll admit that.) But a world in which people are supported without any job whatsoever is exactly a world being abused by literally everyone trying to force everyone else down. >It's not about helping or hurting, it's applying hard mathematics to the human element which is fucking bad at math. Yes, let's apply mathematics to the concept of human choice, because that totally solves the problem. Common sense dictates that I should be allowed to work for less than minimum wage if I want to. Minimum wage makes this illegal. It is literally illegal for me to contract with somebody about a particular thing of my own free will which harms nobody else and benefits both me and the other person involved in the relationship.
>> [_] Anon 2836854 >># >tell me again how it's ok to use kids for chimney sweeping Straw man again. All you fuckers ever do is attack straw men. It's like you're trained to go into mental gymnastics mode in order to avoid any chances of being proven wrong about anything, even if it might be the most inanely retarded and dangerous opinion to possibly have.
>> [_] Anon 2836859 Minimum wage is needed simply because employers are fuckheads who would like to pay you less if they could. If employers DID pay people fair wages, WE WOULDN'T NEED TO SET A MINIMUM WAGE.
>> [_] Anon 2836861 >># >Common sense dictates that I should be allowed to work for less than minimum wage if I want to. Go ahead. >Minimum wage makes this illegal. No it doesn't, it makes it illegal for your employer to be contractually obligated to that. Which essentially means there is no safety net if your employer tells you to fuck off. It's an absolute form of capitalism. There is literally no law preventing you from getting a job from your neighbor paul to go out and mow lawns with him for less than minimum wage an hour while he collects $15/lawn Also no law preventing you from working that job as many hours as your heart desires. If you want a safety net, that's where shit like that gets illegal.
>> [_] Anon 2836863 >># >child slavery is okay Would you support it if your own Jewish children were to be forced into it? I don't think so.
>> [_] Anon 2836864 >># And you ran from the other guy who had a better point and have nothing to say to the actual discussion going on. Step the fuck down and let the big kids discuss matters.
>> [_] Anon 2836869 did I accidentally entered /biz/?
>> [_] Anon 2836884 >># your point is complete bull crap and attests to your lack of any insight into the real facts about child labor. even today in some of the wealthiest parts of the world there is child labor and that you think that your cultural believes apply to the rest of the world just show how narrow and uneducated your views are.
>> [_] Anon 2836891 >># please respond to: >>#
>> [_] Anon 2836894 Do you want to skip paying your employees? Do you want to not pay taxes? DO YOU WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO STAY OUT OF YOUR MONEY??? then what you really want isn't capitalism, it's stalinism
>> [_] Anon 2836921 Narcissism everywhere I go. A reminder that you were not born to pay taxes and die.
>> [_] Anon 2836931 >># 1. The video assumes that only young people are working minimum wage jobs 2. It assumes that experience and skill lead to better jobs when (more often than not) it's connections and knowing people that lead you to better work. 3. It assumes that giving people more spending money won't have any significant effect on business income. A dramatic increase would be bad, but a gradual one wouldn't be as terrible. The real problem is that companies won't pay their employees a good wage (i.e. one that can afford food and shelter) unless they have to. Capitalism sucks.
>> [_] Anon 2836932 >># >not born to pay taxes and die That might be true to some, but if you're living in a place which requires you by law to pay taxes, then you'll be made to pay taxes.
>> [_] Anon 2836940 i dunno, i think it will just result in worse salery for everyone but not that many new people finding a job it's bad enough as it is in the usa, lets not make it worse. so many are working multiple minimum wage jobs trying to survive, would be cruel forcing these people to get a third job
>> [_] Anon 2836943 >># >4Chan shit like you is why "4chan isn't 4chan" anymore >>>/out/
>> [_] Anon 2836952 >># Those who pick the minimum wage will get the steelworker with a baseball bat anyway. I hope he yells "YOU TOOK OUR JERBS!" while he bashes in your liberal skull,

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/12 -2014 01:09:14 Ended: 18/12 -2014 04:47:07Flashes: 1 Posts: 58
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Rand Paul 2016 Anon 2632489 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2632512 I think he makes good points, but we can't get rid of the minimum wage. The reason we have it is to avoid the wage-slavery of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and I simply don't believe that, given the opportunity, corporations would do the right thing by their workers and pay them properly for their work. Lowering the minimum wage is something I would definitely support, though.
>> [_] Anon 2632531 Let people form proper unions and you don't need minimum wage. We don't have it in Sweden.
>> [_] Anon 2632535 >># How do we ensure that those unions keep themselves productive and not become corrupt cronies themselves?
>> [_] Anon 2632538 Maybe if people would fucking become self sustainable we wouldn't need so many shit head fucking jobs. >AWGs >Gardening >Solar panels These things aren't that expensive when you give it time and patience to save up. The most would be solar panels and until you get those electricity would be easily covered with a minimum page part time job. It's fucking retarded that people are still working at age 45+. Fuck off with your retard shit. Self sustainability and self dependance isn't hard especially when you fucking look at primitive humans who have been doing it since the beginning. Yes I am very fucking mad
>> [_] Anon 2632539 The whole point of a minimum wage is that your employers can't all-but enslave you, like they do in China. In China, sweatshops pay employees exactly enough to have them live on company property and eat company-provided food, and not enough to be able to live on their own or buy their own food. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT A MINIMUM WAGE IS DESIGNED TO PREVENT Corporations do NOT look out for your best interests and have to be kept in check. Given the opportunity to do so, they will always take the most profitable route, which is exactly what the scenario above describes.
>> [_] Anon 2632540 >># I'm not the most politically involved, but do the unions have any actual power over the members? Members can just leave the union and make another.
>> [_] Anon 2632544 >job This is where the problem starts. Higher education in America is designed consume your income and to teach you how to make yourself more valuable to some cunt of a CEO, and less about teaching you to use your skills to become self-sufficient or your own boss. If you're living on an income from which you have no potential to gain largely from, you're going about something wrong.
>> [_] Anon 2632545 >># If they don't like it they can quit, no one's holding a gun to their head. >inb4 they'll starve to death No, with enough hard work anyone can advance up the ladder in a capitalist system.
>> [_] Anon 2632547 >tfw work a shit job for minimum wage >don't want to quit because I'll have to travel further for the same pay >almost no tips too
>> [_] Anon 2632550 >># The corporations can also form something similar to a union. And all can for a collective agreement. Here watch some propaganda: acw
>> [_] Anon 2632555 >># They can quit and either make no money, or go to another job that will fuck them in the ass. If everyone advances up the ladder, what's left at the bottom? In order to have a proper capitalist system, the bottom should be supported just as much as the top. That doesn't mean they should be paid equally, but they also shouldn't get shafted six ways to Sunday.
>> [_] Anon 2632558 >># But this isn't the case because they actually will stave to death. With no welfare systems and a terrible job market, you HAVE to hang on to your job to live. That's how they trap you. You become completely dependent on the employer and they make even more profit by giving you wages that are just enough to be able to buy their food and live on their property and have them profit off of it. A minimum wage ensures that you're able to at least survive on your own in society.
>> [_] Anon 2632560 >># >># the idea of unions to much too >communism for americans to even understand
>> [_] Anon 2632562 >># let me take you off your high horse for a bit and remind that there are a lot of people living in apartments, thats not somewhere you can just put up solar pannels, not to mention if your like me and live somewhere where its snowing nearly half the year solar pannels won't make nearly the same dent in the electric bill, and gardening simply isn't an option for year round food
>> [_] Anon 2632564 >># As an Ex-UAW member, I can tell you first hand, American needs LESS unions. Seriously. They're fucking worse than the companies themselves. Literally, the UAW has had me purposely be out of a job to reach their goals, when I wanted to work and felt -I- was being treated fairly. But if I DID work, I'd be penalized for doing so. I actually had to have my Girlfriend at the time support me during that time period, since I wasn't even allowed to work a different job because "That'd be sending the wrong message". They LITERALLY called a Wendy's I applied at, and told them that if they hired me, they'd sue the store. Seriously, Unions are fucking bullshit. They had good reasoning when they were new, but these days, they're bloated pieces of crap that need to fucking die.
>> [_] Anon 2632566 >># Minimum wage was actually invented by eugenicists to find the 'unemployable' and enable a culling; It's sad we never went through with the end result. But also, how can you say you know that a set per hour price is 'proper pay'? Depending on the person, a corporation may only be able to pay them $5 an hour based off their productivity; should they be forced to hemorrhage money in the name of 'proper' pay?
>> [_] Anon 2632568 >># >What is time and patience Keep rising >food Indoor hydroponics You should move to more a more habitable part of the planet
>> [_] Anon 2632571 >># >how can you say that a set hour price is 'proper pay'? Simple. Enough money to live under a roof with access to water and electricity as well as enough money to stay fed. That's generally what a country's minimum wage entails. Also, minimum wage changes depending on the type of labour performed.
>> [_] Anon 2632573 ... People are still sheepishly listening to Prager University? Seriosuly, people?
>> [_] Anon 2632575 >># The problem is that while unions are good in concept, they are generally not much better than not having one at all. I'm not from the teachers union here, but there was something of a scandal within my high school my senior year. Needless to say the woman was up to getting fired, and for good reason too, however because you pay into the union the union helped out. They got her a lawyer and she won, allowing her to keep her job. This teacher I might add was arguably one of the worst teachers within the school, to say she was a upstart individual, an actual teacher of her subject, or simply someone you would want to spend an afternoon with would be much too kind. But even then it didn't matter, because releasing private information to the public should of cost her her job, but instead she gets off free thanks to the union.
>> [_] Anon 2632578 >># Honestly I think your scenario exists not because of the nature of corporations but because of the nature of Chinese. Chinks are fucking animals.
>> [_] Anon 2632582 >># I might add as a consequence to this the school was then unable to hire a new professor, practically anyone would have filled her shoes better. But instead the kids had to suffer through it with her, so what it boiled down to was that the people being hurt by this aren't just other teachers, but the students as well. Nobody except for the teacher and the union stands to benefit from it. The mere fact that the school, particularly the students, are worse off as a result indicates to me a serious problem with the teachers union. Of course they don't care though as they make tons of money off of the teachers who are fearful of losing their jobs because the entire state is in a state of educational decay, what with constant loss of budget, pay cuts, and increasing furlough days.
>> [_] Anon 2632584 >># >not because of the nature of corporations >animals Capitalism (free market capitalism, at least) is a direct means of social Darwinism. The entire point is to act like an animal to further your wealth. Intervention and regulation is designed to prevent this (at its greatest extent) and treat humans with humanity. I can easily see burgers doing the same thing if given the opportunity. Hell, American corporations take advantage of it already (see: Apple and Foxconn).
>> [_] Anon 2632588 >># Companies aren't stupid, they will and really already do exploit the average joe, what makes you think that it'd be somehow magically different if we dropped minimum wage?
>> [_] Anon 2632589 >># Incorrect. Minimum wage does not exist for the average human to be self-sufficient off of. If that were the case, minimum wage would raise with Tax Increases, commodity market fluctuations, and the cost of living. It would be set on a city-by-city basis, based on the average cost of a 1-bedroom apartment, 1 week's worth of food, and the average use of electricity and water by other minimum wage earners. Minimum wage is what a law maker feels the average human's time to be worth, while he/she is making an effort in good faith at a task. Whether it's flipping burgers, stocking shelves, or anything else. The cost of being "Owned" for an hour.
>> [_] Anon 2632591 >># >entire state More like the entire country.
>> [_] Anon 2632592 >># But why should corporations be forced to pay that when the input is not equal to that? Is that not, by definition, improper?
>> [_] Anon 2632595 >># Pretty much. It's a sad world that we live in where we are more concerned fucking up other countries than looking internally and fixing what's been long broken.
>> [_] Anon 2632598 >># That doesn't seem like an issue with the union, seems like an issue with whatever tribunal / court allowed the teacher to keep her job.
>> [_] Anon 2632600 >># Because that create the incentive to further exploit the average worker. I mean honestly, by that reasoning why should companies adhere to safety codes and standards? Because it's not economically sound? Well sure it's not, but there is more to the world than just economics. It's called being humane.
>> [_] Anon 2632605 >># Well I'd agree. Understand though that the union has a LOT of weight that it can throw around. So it's not at all surprising really that she got away with it. The fact that they even got involved to begin with is definitely problem. Her guilt was not up to question, because everyone and their mother already knew she had fucked up royally. The union does not exist, at least in it's entirety to benefit teachers and by extension students, it's really just another way to make money. Which is really just another way of calling them a business and not a union.
>> [_] Anon 2632613 >># If you want to be humane, you can donate to the poor, but is forcing business owners into poverty by paying workers more than they are worth humane? Is forcibly stealing from one group to 'benefit' another humane? When people are coerced by armed government agents into your definition of humanity, who is left that can be described as humane?
>> [_] Anon 2632619 >># >forcing into poverty >stealing nice hyperboles, mate Business owners aren't forced into poverty, they can simply streamline processes, increase efficiency or sales, or increase prices. >donate to the poor why not prevent the need for donations instead?
>> [_] Anon 2632623 >># How would it be possible to streamline processes, increase efficiency, oh wait... We fire them. So, are you arguing that we should force many low-skilled and inexperienced workers to a lifetime of unemployment? Also, if prices increased along with the wages, did we change anything, other than decreasing the value of the dollar and hurting everyone? Also, how would all of this prevent the 'need' for donations?
>> [_] Anon 2632626 >># They can get pretty powerful. At some places the only way to get a job is to be a member of the union. The only way to do this, is to know a member and they need to vouch for you. This leads to the only way to get a job there is to be born or married to a union member. > Make your own Good luck with that. They will either get you fired or get everyone else to turn on you. You obviously want break up the union and lessen its power.
>> [_] Anon 2632629 >># >we fire them No, I mean actually improving production or advertising efficiency. As far as low-skill workers going into unemployment, that's more or less where we're heading as far as automation goes. This might be worth a watch. XQU We'll have to fundamentally change our society away from our current puritan model if we're going to deal with this in any way, shape or form.
>> [_] Anon 2632635 >># Oh ok, I get a bit where you're coming from. But how can you free up money for better equipment or advertisement space and design? What happens when the price for these go up, as well as the price of goods to pay for increasing wages? Have we solved anything? The answer is no. We can solve this problem, but the answer does not at all relate to raising the minimum wage.
>> [_] Anon 2632641 >># The problem is inflation and the concept of infinite growth. Ideally, prices could remain fixed and the cost of labour could also remain fixed. This, however, would require that the population remain fixed and both the means of production and demand remain fixed. There's no simple answer because, quite frankly, capitalism is a chaotic system. For a capitalist system to be work, it has to be free. The problem with that is that freedom doesn't work when there are 7 billion others also trying to be free.
>> [_] Anon 2632646 >># Despite the fact you have failed to address any arguments I have put forward, I'll play your game; What is your alternative to capitalism? Why do you assume that free market enterprise cannot lead to infinite growth? There is an infinite number of space and amount of resources in the universe, why can't we have a purely capitalistic system of infinite growth? Previous economists said infinite growth was impossible because they had no idea the possibility of star travel, let alone free-market driven star travel we have seen with space x. With what we now know, we also know that there is the possibility for infinite growth. To keep the minimum wage at 0 would allow for a steady, if not fixed wage, to assist in the infinite growth of humanity.
>> [_] Anon 2632648 >># Learn your US history. That's exactly what we did back in the industrial revolution days. Company compounds where poor, unskilled workers lived, worked, got payed, and put that paycheck right back to the company. >># No, with the right skills and training the best of the group will rise up the ladder. Retards with no skills will never stop being cashiers and fry cooks because they lack the skills to do a good job better than other people. Minimum wage is a moot point for people with skills, because they have some level of power in their negotiations with a company. Low level, unskilled workers have no power because they can be replaced in an instant by someone else who also needs that income to live. No minimum wage means more shitty jobs so that more poor people can get poorer and get off welfare. If you're not a useless piece of garbage lowering the minimum wage will only benefit you.
>> [_] Anon 2632665 >># >increase efficiency Well, shit. Here we were doing things less efficiently and making less money when such an obvious solution was right in front of us. I can't believe nobody realized that we could just increase our efficiency. I mean, the tools and methods and knowledge are all right there. You've solved all our problems, anon. It's so fucking simple. We just improve efficiency. >># >infinite number of space and amount of resources in the universe There is a finite amount of matter and energy in the universe. Converting any of it to a usable or preferable form will lessen it. The idea of infinite space is also not confirmed. There's definitely more than we need right now, but it's not infinite.
>> [_] Anon 2632673 >># see i think 5 bucks is a pretty good min wage. but the person you are responding to is also right, minimum wage cannot be forgone because it will be abused. besides that. what company (aside from a starting up company) can't afford 5 bucks an hour, but the owner can't run that point it's probably better for the whole society that the business die. on the alternative side of things, min wage here in washington state is like 9.50 an hour and my groceries bill is starting to be equal to the cost of going to fast food. i would prefer a healthy diet to a fast food one, but that's the state i live in at the moment. tfw.
>> [_] Anon 2632674 He himself says that companies will cut hours to save money. But then he thinks that companies will pay you the proper amount based on how much you have to offer? No, they're going to pay you as little as possible to keep you around. We need minimum wage. Not to mention that paying more to youth will increase spending and support the economy. sources: a fucking college education
>> [_] Anon 2632675 >># >still dodging the topic at hand
>> [_] Anon 2632676 >># >it will be abused How? If there is a company only willing to pay $1 or $2 an hour, don't work there. They will either be forced to increase wages or go out of business due to no workers while their potential employees work for their rival company willing to pay $6.
>> [_] Anon 2632679 >># Other companies will drop their price from $3 to $1.50 because they know that is the highest around. Then it gets dropped again from some large financial crisis, and never rises. Rises wages and prices for goods are a good thing.
>> [_] Anon 2632683 >># >still I agree with you up until you bring up complete hypotheticals about future space resource collecting. Keep your facts straight and don't bring future conditions into current issues. >># It's almost as if people have the ability to decide how much their time is worth and that they have to come to a consensus with a company about what that is before they get hired. If a job doesn't pay you fairly then you can leave and get a new one, provided your skills are as valuable as you think they are.
>> [_] Anon 2632684 >># >Space >Finite Even if that where true, Space is constantly expanding m8, and the amount of matter and energy expands with it. Otherwise, all of creation would have the same mass as the particle that caused the big bang.
>> [_] Anon 2632688 >># >Other companies will drop their price from $3 to $1.50 because they know that is the highest around. What? You still cannot keep up with demand if you have no employees.
>> [_] Anon 2632689 >># Can you give a source for eugenicists implementing minimum wage?
>> [_] Anon 2632690 >># >playing semantics
>> [_] Anon 2632694 >># And then another will bring wages to $2.00 because that's the highest around. And then another will bring them to $2.50 because that's the highest around. And then we keep doing that until wages are at the level of worth the employees are at. Companies are not all in one big cartel, they will compete with one another for benefits. >># Hypothetical. And the laws of thermodynamics are pretty clear on whether matter and energy can be created or destroyed. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.
>> [_] Anon 2632695 >># >you have failed to address any agruments. I meant to say that the problem is in the system being fundamentally flawed. There is really no correct or incorrect answer because an abstract concept can be interpreted in a number of ways. As for infinite growth, I honestly believe that it is reckless. Especially seeing as we currently lack the means to do anything useful in space. As well as this, travelling faster than light is outright impossible. We're essentially confined to our solar system, with the prospect of sending out generation ships to other systems and forming a fragmented civilisation. When it takes >20 years to send a signal at the speed of light, and potentially hundreds to actually travel there, there is no viable economic return. We need to conserve what we have, because it's all that we ever will.
>> [_] Anon 2632696 >># You're simplifying the job search. You have to deal with competition by your peers who are willing to be paid less than you want. They will take whoever accepts the least pay.
>> [_] Anon 2632697 >># This is stupid fucking bullshit. This isn't 1922, you don't go down to the local drug store and ask ol' Mr. Palmers for a job, everything is corporate, and LITERALLY. I AM NOT FUCKING KIDDING YOU. LISTEN TO WHAT THE FUCK I'M SAYING. Corporations would PHYSICALLY ENSLAVE YOU if they could find a way to do so and get away with it. They don't give a diseased rat fuck about you. They're not paying attention to your fucking "job experience". Slavery is a thing. 150 years ago, in the very society you inhabit, it was totally legal to go down to a used slave dealer and buy a person like a used car. Even if that's illegal today, the mentality that gave birth to that situation still very much exists. People are always looking for a way to marginalize other people and save a few cents.
>> [_] Anon 2632698 >># Everything after the first sentence in that greentext was supposed to be its own paragraph
>> [_] Anon 2632701 >># That's because a large supply of a certain skill lowers its value. If lots of people can do your job, then you aren't as valuable as you would be if everyone who could do it was already employed. In short, if you lack demanded skills, then you aren't worth as much as you think you are and companies are able to offer you less.

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ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/12 -2014 22:37:35 Ended: 14/12 -2014 02:18:30Flashes: 1 Posts: 60
File: What's the Right Minimum Wage.swf-(8.97 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Yes! Anon 2628728 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2628731 >next_guaranteed_replies.swf
>> [_] Anon 2628747 >># But most people here agree
>> [_] Anon 2628748 >># s/130305161550-chart-productivity-hourly- compensation-620xa.gif
>> [_] Anon 2628750 >># What's there to disagree about?
>> [_] Anon 2628751 So I understand the points being made, but is the argument against minimum wage saying that we need to base wages on our effective usefulness, as in the example with the $7 an hour youth? If so, I can't see it being more efficient as it would lead to a much more stressful work environment that is cluttered with differently paid individuals. Competitive nature tells me it would lead to more internal struggles than companies might be equipped to deal with. If you bartered (which is essentially what the alternative to setting minimum wages is) for your working price and agree upon $10 an hour for your services, then turn around and see someone else doing the same work at the same qualifications as you for $11 an hour, what is the potential outcome of the worker-employer relationship? I agree with most everything in the video. I'm just trying to figure out what the alternative is that would seamlessly integrate and piss off the least amount of people.
>> [_] Anon 2628757 If they could fire people to compensate then those were unnecessary redundant jobs in the first place The real outdated idea is that everyone needs a job. We are post labor.
>> [_] Anon 2628759 >># Correlation does not imply causation
>> [_] Anon 2628760 >># this. implying they pay anything more than they are obligated to do implying they share the profit implying they care implying employee have any power implying syndicate implying they will fairly auto-regulate themselves
>> [_] Anon 2628762 >># Most businesses would probably have some sort of starting wage to complete with other companies anyways. With no minimum wage, the prospective employee would be the one bartering for a higher starting wage. When you see someone getting paid more for doing the same job as you, man up and ask for a raise.
>> [_] Anon 2628766 >># a free market economy isn't based on employers being 'nice'.
>> [_] Anon 2628769 >># I mean I get that, but in the case that employers hire for similar skills and/or experience how can you avoid the eventual problems faced when other employees are paid more? It's not like the employer will say "yes" just because you asked. How would something like that be avoided in such an economy?
>> [_] Anon 2628770 >># >If they could fire people to compensate then those were unnecessary redundant jobs in the first place Read a book on economics. Supply and demand are price phenomena. >The real outdated idea is that everyone needs a job. We are post labor. >The real outdated idea is that everyone is entitled to the fruits of their own labor. We are past the point where everyone needs to grow up. We are a nanny state.
>> [_] Anon 2628772 >># No one is implying that one causes the other. Ideally, they should be the same though.
>> [_] Anon 2628773 Neo-conservatives being played like fiddles by zionists. The cost of living is usually higher than the minimum wage, and any progressive nation has some kind of welfare state with its output based on the cost of living.
>> [_] Anon 2628776 >># Yes it is actually. China is probably the most capitalist state in the world and their people live in shit conditions working shit hours for shit money. What it all boils down to is greed. Employers are not living humble lives in rustic homes when their employees are. I'm not talking a small business owner in a rural town either. Yea sure, there is the argument that they've worked for it and they deserve it, but that's not the point. You shouldn't work that hard for a company just so you can benefit yourself or to gain power. You should do it so that you can help others have jobs and lead healthy lives. And I do realize that this is a problem with the human race and not just employers, however they are in a position of responsibility and should act as such. tl;dr Humans are greedy and that's the innate problem.
>> [_] Anon 2628779 >># Robots. We need them. Then we don't need wages because we don't use labor.
>> [_] Anon 2628781 dennis prager is a fucking zionist kike shill his guests are usually right though
>> [_] Anon 2628782 >># people will buy products with dreams.
>> [_] Anon 2628783 >># But who will build the robots? We'll still need labor to build and maintain the robots as well as develop new robots. Unless we're taking the route of sentient AIs that can reproduce and repair themselves without outside intervention, at which point humanity will be rendered obsolete and currency will be meaningless.
>> [_] Anon 2628786 >># >currency will be meaningless is this zeitgeist all over again?
>> [_] Anon 2628788 >># >Competitive nature tells me it would lead to more internal struggles than companies might be equipped to deal with. so your arguement is that businessness never did anything due to internal strife for the past 3000 years of human history due to no minimum wage... YOU ARE FUCKING RETARD.
>> [_] Anon 2628791 >># Hell yes time to go round me up some naiggers! YEEEEEHAAAWWWW
>> [_] Anon 2628803 >preggers university
>> [_] Anon 2628806 the NYT publishes guest editorials frequently, even those of authors who are not liberal, like Benjamin Netanhyu and Vladimir Putin (they even have their very own token conservative columnist, David Brooks) to say that the NYT agrees with no minimum wage based on one editorial is a blatant misrepresentation
>> [_] Anon 2628813 >># >China is probably the most capitalist state in the world Stopped reading there, kill yourself
>> [_] Anon 2628815 >># ye, and niggers are white
>> [_] Anon 2628816 >># The point is that free market would solve those problems on micro level. It would be between you and your employer. Instead of being between you, your employer, and an arbitrary law enforced by a a large, bureaucratic government
>> [_] Anon 2628823 >># A capitalist would say "if an employer doesn't pay its workers fairly, the under-compensated workers will change jobs and the employer will have to raise wages to attract new hires." The problem with this is that even if there are only a few unemployed people in your town, they will be willing to work for less than the lowest paid worker. Let's say walmart employs 2% of the workers in your town. They underpay their clerks. Other retail jobs exist in your town that pay fair wages, but only at smaller stores that don't need many employees. Even if only 4% of people in your town are unemployed, walmart doesn't need to raise their wages to continue to attract workers. If their current employees quit to work at higher paid jobs, there would still be more workers available willing to work for less than a fair wage.
>> [_] Anon 2628827 >># yup totally agree >company script >child labor >unsafe conditions >robber barons nigger did you even pay attention in high school american history? that shit was white washed as fuck but you would be a fucking fool not to be able to read between the lines concerning unregulated capitalism then again this is 4chins so MUH RON PAUL MUH MARKET REGULATION
>> [_] Anon 2628832 >># >I can't handle the truth, one of us needs to die
>> [_] Anon 2628837 Or we could all just do the simple ting and all die...who needs money when you are dead. no one. that is who.
>> [_] Anon 2628858 >># >You shouldn't work that hard for a company just so you can benefit yourself or to gain power. You should do it so that you can help others have jobs and lead healthy lives. The hell are you talking about? The only purpose of getting a job is to have money to take care of yourself/family. Other people and their problems are irrelevant.
>> [_] Anon 2628865 >># yeah... now we outsource all our child labor to 3rd world countries instead, great job duuuude
>> [_] Anon 2628870 >># There's this fantastic thing called "not being a jealous, whiny little bitch. There are probably a number of reasons that person doing the same job as you is getting paid more. Maybe they work really hard, or are abnormally good at their job. Maybe they have been there longer than you. Raising minimum wage to $15 is just going to fuck everybody in the ass. When you go to Walmart, or Mcdonalds, and it costs ten dollars for something that should be around one, EVERYONE will realize what I'm saying.
>> [_] Anon 2628873 But doesn't abolishing a minimum wage make room for jobs that pay less then sufficient for survival or even slavery? Think about it, a poor man with a family goes to the city at hopes he'll find a job. He finds one, but the only thing that he benefits from it is a small house, low quality and low quantity of food and almost no money whatsoever. Does that sound familiar? It's like when we abolished slavery, but never got the slaves any jobs, so they just got back to their previous owners because at least they had a place to stay.
>> [_] Anon 2628875 >># >tl;dr Humans are greedy and that's the innate problem. And you probably want a $15 minimum wage.
>> [_] Anon 2628878 >># >But doesn't abolishing a minimum wage make room for jobs that pay less then sufficient for survival or even slavery? Shh, the goyim will revolutionize the work place once the pesky wage floor is removed!
>> [_] Anon 2628880 >># Moreover, the problems the guy on the video points out are just the capitalism problems, good luck on those. You can't just make miserable people less miserable by making them able to get a less-then-enough job. You could at least guarantee that the ones that can work receive enough not to be. Otherwise, it's a tough world, good luck solving the entirety on Africa.
>> [_] Anon 2628881 >># Good goy. >># Yeah, what the hell? That child labor should be available in the US too! No fair!
>> [_] Anon 2628889 >># a byproduct of corporations not being regulated enough. what was your point again?
>> [_] Anon 2628890 >># This is always a thing where you go above the minimum wage anyway. The grand majority of people do NOT work minimum wage jobs, and buisnesses actively compete for the labour of those people by offering their employees better wages. In smaller companies where employees are paid on a case-by-case basis discussing one's own salary is highly frowned upon and people are largely unaware of how much the next person is getting paid.
>> [_] Anon 2628893 >># >companies will pay me what i am worth and are always impartial this thread reeks of /pol/ and 12 year olds
>> [_] Anon 2628895 My co-worker "jack" came up to me one day, and we both talk about how we hate our job as per usual. He sighs heavily and says, "Anon, you see the new guy over there fucking everything up?" I say yeah... then he says, " I asked the boss why she's giving this ass so many hours, but he's only been here for three weeks. I've been working here for over 16 years and he's getting more hours than I am... and you know what the worst part is?" what? I say. "He gets paid the exact same amount that I do."
>> [_] Anon 2628897 >># or a byproduct of shitty minimal wage laws
>> [_] Anon 2628899 >># yes, it's not an employers market at all and i literally cannot leave my house without being assaulted with high paying job offers. The problem is really all those middle aged men and women who CHOSE to work double shifts at McD's because they are lazy and want to be payed more for a job so easy a 16 year old can do it
>> [_] Anon 2628901 >># are you actually saying that large corporations can't afford to pay their employees a minimum wage and so are being forced, against their will by necessity and civic mindedness to outsource those jobs at slave wages?
>> [_] Anon 2628902 So, wagers on how much longer until company scrip comes back into vogue?
>> [_] Anon 2628904 >># Wait, who the fuck am I kidding, wages on prepaid fee-laden debit cards is already a thing.
>> [_] Anon 2628905 >># i live in Canada and one of my friends who worked at macdonalds was payed in part with gift certificates
>> [_] Anon 2628907 >># Actual McD's certificates? If so, woooooooow.
>> [_] Anon 2628909 >># the plastic 15$ gift cards
>> [_] Anon 2628913 >># Jesus. I guess we're really going back to lords and serfs, just in different and socially approved ways.
>> [_] Anon 2628915 Can you imagine if they just suddenly abolished the minimum. The entire US econ would have a fucking fit. Non-imports on everything would plummet. stores would be forced to sell there products cheaper. it would take years to regulate the econ after that.
>> [_] Anon 2628917 >># what the fuck are you talking about?
>> [_] Anon 2628918 >># Shit would be a fucking nightmare, since it's practically hard enough to get a goddamn unpaid internship these days let alone an actual job that pays a living wage. I remember reading a news article years ago about some firms in Britain that were actually charging uni students for internships. Soon enough you won't be able to get a paying job without having enough money to pay entry fees.
>> [_] Anon 2628919 >Bunch of Internet dipshits arguing economics on a chinese cartoon website How many of you even HAVE jobs?
>> [_] Anon 2628920 >># Are you uneducated?
>> [_] Anon 2628922 >># Nope. As long as I can survive with a roof over my head and have a little money left over for entertainment then I'm fine. I have a job that pays fairly decent and I just give the rest of the money that I don't need away. I do invest, have some entertainment, and have retirement set up, and the rest I don't need so I just give it to people who need it more.
>> [_] Anon 2628923 >># Got a bachelor of science in Business Administration and 4.5 years experience in tech support, so by industry standards yes, I am uneducated.
Created: 13/12 -2014 22:44:39 Last modified: 13/4 -2020 19:28:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:21